Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reusable Sandwich Bags.. and they're CUTE!

If you haven't heard of yet, go there now! It's kind of like a bunch of ebay stores full of handmade and vintage goods. There are tons of children's products made by other moms too.

Lately, Isabella asks for "kka kka" (crackers or snack in Korean baby lingo) or she'll see a lone cheerio and say "kka kka" as she reaches for it. We have the Snack Trap which looks cool and seems like a good idea (maybe better for when she's older?) because it has a flexible cutout top to grab your goodies. It's supposed to prevent from spilling them all but Isabella isn't very good at it still. She lifts open a flap and lets them all spill out.

So I resorted to using a sandwich bag for them and she seems to grasp this idea better (she's really into putting things into containers and bags right now). But today, I saw her bite the bag and eat some pieces! She also ate the top of a blue crayon this morning.

Good thing I just ordered these very cute bags. She won't be able to see what's inside since it's not transparent like a real sandwich bag but I'm sure she won't be able to eat it!

Green Street Bag's have really cute patterns and offer 2 different sizes for bags. The snack bag has a gusseted bottom. I ordered this print, as well as chocolate pear and yard retreat! She's super fast.. already shipped my order in less than 24 hrs! I can't wait to see them.

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