Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reusable Sandwich Bags.. and they're CUTE!

If you haven't heard of yet, go there now! It's kind of like a bunch of ebay stores full of handmade and vintage goods. There are tons of children's products made by other moms too.

Lately, Isabella asks for "kka kka" (crackers or snack in Korean baby lingo) or she'll see a lone cheerio and say "kka kka" as she reaches for it. We have the Snack Trap which looks cool and seems like a good idea (maybe better for when she's older?) because it has a flexible cutout top to grab your goodies. It's supposed to prevent from spilling them all but Isabella isn't very good at it still. She lifts open a flap and lets them all spill out.

So I resorted to using a sandwich bag for them and she seems to grasp this idea better (she's really into putting things into containers and bags right now). But today, I saw her bite the bag and eat some pieces! She also ate the top of a blue crayon this morning.

Good thing I just ordered these very cute bags. She won't be able to see what's inside since it's not transparent like a real sandwich bag but I'm sure she won't be able to eat it!

Green Street Bag's have really cute patterns and offer 2 different sizes for bags. The snack bag has a gusseted bottom. I ordered this print, as well as chocolate pear and yard retreat! She's super fast.. already shipped my order in less than 24 hrs! I can't wait to see them.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Help Wanted

So, as I look at, touch, try on, look at, touch, try on, look... at my new bag, I just can't make up my mind. So I decided to look at some more diaper bags! Remember, I originally wanted a black patent bag with short handles as well as a long strap to wear cross body. Well, then I found a really cute RED one! Still has short handles and a long strap. These even come with a changing pad, wipes holder, bottle holder, and stroller straps!

Black or Red?
None of the above??

Ok, WAIT!! I found the red in BLACK too now:

or how about this color? I must say, I do like the shape a lot... ok, for real, done.

Please vote!

Call me crazy and obsessed.. I just OD'ed on Craigslist too...

Ooohhhhhhh, an epiphany

So I just got my bag in the mail... woohoo!

And now I know why there was such a price difference.... not a HUGE difference in bag, but a difference nonetheless.

(Top) exhibit A: Mia Bossi bag from

(Bottom) exhibit B: Mia Boss bag from [the one I have in my possession]

So, if you notice, the dot print is different. The Gap version's dots are colored in while the Original's (from its own website, now referred to in my post as "original") dots are not! Oh, you so sneaky!! I didn't even notice, even as I "carefully" looked.

Also, you couldn't tell from the Gap site because of the picture, but its strap is not adjustable while the Original appears to be. Or, at least, that strap has some metal hardware on it and the Gap's doesn't. Not being able to adjust is not a big deal I guess because the strap is perfect for a cross body carry. But with the hardware (according to the Original's website), can allow you to loop it twice--hence, shortening the strap in half--and wear as a shoulder bag. That option might be cool though.

So, what do you think... what should I do?? I need some opinions please.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Diaper Bags!

I'm always on the lookout for a "cool" diaper bag that doesn't scream UGLY MOM. I have this thing about not allowing myself to buy UGLY MOM items. Sure, they're comfortable or practical... but, I just can't and don't want to be that ugly mom :( Shallow? Absolutely! But at least I'm not an ugly mom!

I've always coveted Mia Bossi Bags, especially the Reese style in Tangerine but just couldn't bear to drop that much dough. And like fate, the heavens opened and my internet browser found the same bag at for HALF THE PRICE!! I checked the dimensions and it seems like the exact same bag so of course, I ordered it in a heart beat. It's supposed to come in on Monday and I'll post about all its glory (or not) then!

I also saw this off of and love these bags by Timi & Leslie. If the Mia Bossi doesn't work out, I might opt for this. My only requirements for a diaper bag is that there's some sense of organization inside (because otherwise it becomes a black hole), at least one zippered pocket for my wallet/keys (things I can't lose... or, if I do Roe will KILL me), and the option to carry it across your body. They're easier to hang off your stroller and you can just throw it on and chase your little tot!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lovey, we love our Tokki Chingoo!

So we secretly keep 2 of these. One for the car and outside trips and one for home/crib use. Every now and then the two reunite in the house but it doesn't seem like Isabella has noticed... ;)

Many children like to have a blankie or a lovey to help them with separation anxiety. I actually started using this on purpose to help Isabella sleep on her own at night. And I even let her "choose" which lovey she would like around 3 months of age. You may argue a baby that little can't "choose".. but I'd like to think my Isabella did. I showed her a few different dolls/loveys of various color too and she reached out for this blue bunny. Coincidentally, blue (and green) have always been my favorite colors!

More so lately too, she's been very attached to her tokki chingoo (bunny friend in Korean). If it's in sight, she has to hold it and hug it. Isabella isn't a very affectionate baby so it's very cute to see her hug and kiss (or bite?) her little bunny. She even pats it on the back!

Who knows, maybe I'll regret it later when she's going to college with tokki chingoo but for now, I'll revel in this pure memory.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Watch what you say (and do!)

It's definitely started.. Isabella has started mimicking what we do.

Exhibit A: Trader Joe's

She LOVED pushing this cart around "shopping" for our groceries. She must notice I price check everything against similar products as well as check the nutritional facts on them all!

Exhibit B: Daddy
Currently we're vacationing in Oklahoma to see my parents (my hometown). We brought some big toys from home we got as gifts and Isabella must have noticed how Roe set up her baby pool. While playing, she noticed the hole you blow the air in, crouched down and started blowing at it! Is my baby a genius or WHAT?!!

Later, my mom is laying on the floor relaxing (on her belly) and Isabella comes by and sits on her back. Bounces a bit then turns to my mom as if she's say, 'bounce me, bounce me!'. Only a couple hours ago, her dad had bounced her.

Exhibit C: Gonggg, No No No No No
Isabella has really built up her vocabulary in the last 4 weeks. By her 1st birthday, she could only say "Hi" (at least, the only word that was audible and coherent). But now, she has more than a handful of words she can say. If you ask her, "where's your gong (ball)?", she'll start to look around.. you can ask her several questions like that and she'll look around for the object (or person). She doesn't point yet but she'll bring the objects back to you. She'll also say, "no no no no no" and shake her head (or finger!! haha) if she doesn't like something or doesn't want what you're giving her.

Exhibit D: Petting Zoo
Do not scream when the baby goat jumps out of its fenced area while holding Isabella. You will not only scare her for life of any moving animal bigger than her but also everyone else in the area. In addition, your friends and family will pretend they don't know you because they're so embarrassed by you! But seriously, I think I scarred her for life!! Either that, or she's just like me. I'm just not much of an animal person and never have been. She'll start climbing all over you while whining/screaming when animals are nearby (including big dogs). We also have a big dog at home (in OKC); she's been saying "no no no no no" a lot already. She also hates doctors and doctor visits... reminds me of my childhood. I used to bite dentists all the time!