Friday, September 18, 2009

A Mom's Debate


watching Little Miss Sunshine, while eating Dried Baby Sweet Pineapple from Trader Joe's, looking at pictures for inspiration on how to wear my new shoe:

ETA: okay, not the most comfortable shoe in the closet but definitely one of my "funnest". so today, i bought shoe inserts and walked around for a bit. as they say, no pain no gain!

Let me introduce you to another friend of mine...

Call me lucky but it seems I've been making great friends recently. Being a mom, it almost seems easier to strike up conversation with strangers. People will comment about your tot and you can banter back. The other day at Target, I asked a random mom (obvious because she had 2 children following her shopping cart around) which dishwash detergent was best. I took her advice too and am glad I did! [Cascade Complete Liquid, btw]

My newest BFF is none other than...

I didn't know I married a rhinoceros when I did 3.5 years ago. But since our mini-vacay to Kalahari (indoor/outdoor waterpark, great fun, sandusky, ohio), they've allowed some peace and quiet in our bedroom. YAY!

If you or your bed-mate sounds like a dinosaur, horse, or any other animal mankind is not meant to sleep next to, I'd recommend this. Two thumbs up!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Product Review

I have an obsession with cups. Unfortunately, Roe and I have broken much of our cups so we've started drinking out of empty jam jars (courtesy of Bonne Maman).

Isabella has more than enough cups that we can keep a track of too, in my quest of finding the best straw cup. We love love our Combi but it has so many parts to clean. It's great for on-the-go but I wanted something more simple for home. I love the take-home kiddie cups at restaurants so I decided to try the Take n' Toss straw cups.

Verdict: They're great for home use!! The lid securely keeps the straw in place and doesn't allow leakage from around the straw (though, if you tip it over completely water will come out of the straw). Isabella "accidentally" knocked it off the table and it fell on its side but no leakage! The straw is much harder than regular straws but it seems to work for us. And since there's no vent like most kiddie cups, it works just like adult cup/straw combos.

In conjunction, we tried out our new spoons (okay, obsessed about spoons too). Since we have a lot of rice and soup in our diet, it's hard to find a kiddie spoon that can hold a good amount of the soup part. Gerber's Scoopin Spoons are perfect for that! They have flexible ends so you can scrape the bottom of the bowl to get every last bit. Plus, the spoon itself has a big scooper... almost like a mini mini ice cream scooper.

Verdict: Success!

New Discoveries

You can already tell Isabella is making new discoveries daily. It's like you can see the gears in her brain working! Her eyes follow everything you do with strong intent to mimic you.

The last week or so, I made some new discoveries of my own! I had a brief but significant love affair with Bonne Maman's Strawberry Preserves. You just need a dab for your toast and cream cheese (my favorite breakfast food at home).

I was waiting for them to go on sale again at my local lux grocery (they used to do buy one, get one free last summer). Well, I made a trip out to Trader Joe's so that Isabella could "shop" too and decided to try one of their preserves instead.
WOW! Their Organic, Reduced Sugar, Strawberry Preserves are the best thing I've ever tasted! It has less than half the sugar (and half the calories!) of my beloved Bonne and while I do miss the whole strawberries, I love that I can layer on the preserves without it being too sweet. I used to barely use a dabble on my toast, but now I can use pretty liberally.

[sorry for the photo reflection (is that a term?? how it's backwards, like you're looking in a mirror instead of a picture). i don't have my camera nearby so i used photobooth on my mac]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Modern Day Devices

I'm all about modern conveniences (mostly in moderation) but love any new idea that kills 2 birds with 1 stone--not literally, let's save the bootiful birds.

My latest and greatest invention, yes MY invention... well, more like my innovation. At our recent TroyHope retreat, we wanted Isabella to have her naps and be able to sleep early but also the freedom to participate in all of the retreat's activities. Can't have your cake and eat it too, right? WRONG!

If you have a bluetooth and at least 2 phones (preferably on the same network or family plan so that your minutes are free), you can make your own baby monitor! We left one phone on (with speakerphone) in the room while bebe slept while the other phone was on mute with the bluetooth feature in use. Since we were always in the same building, I was less than a quick sprint away.

I have to admit, I've been tempted to use this method at home for a quick grocery/market run... but I haven't been able to feel THAT safe. Luckily, I actually live a quick sprint away from the grocery store. But still... I'm a firm believer in crazy psychos... what if one sees me leave and comes into my house?!

Seriously, How Can I Express My Love To You?

I've blogged about my affinity towards over-the-counter drugs to help comfort Isabella.
But this past weekend, me and hydrocortisone had a heart-to-heart and decided we can't live without each other.

Due to a VERY unfortunate allergic reaction to lip gloss (Sephora's brand, Bronze Beauty to be exact!), I ended up with lips out to the galaxy (and I don't have thin lips to begin with so they were seriously out.of.control). And it doesn't even end there: they were growing blisters by the hour, with puss oozing out of them (sound scary?? you had to have SEEN it). After a consult with a doctor friend, I realized it was an allergic reaction and popped a Clairitin. A tiny bit better but nothing more, so I finished off Isabella's liquid Benadryl (3 TB of mixed berry flavor--YUCK! no wonder she hates it when we give it to her!). Obvi, that didn't do much so I had Roe pick up some real Benadryl and also refill my script of Valtrex (for the nasty cold sores that like to taunt me with their ugliness). Ok, swelling plateued a bit more but the blisters and the oozing... omg, it was like tears coming out of my lips!

I drenched on a presciption ointment for cold sores but it seemed to make it worse and at this point, I was exhausted so I decided to sleep and pray for the best (mind you, this is Saturday night and I am supposed to be at church bright and early on Sunday morning for Praise practice.). I woke up in the middle of the night (with my lips sealed SHUT from the blisters and its oozy children) and I could still feel the tingling burning swelling sensation so I thought, what the heck, and globbed on some hydro power. Ok, it didn't help much because we had to be at church in an hour... but I was able to get some nasty crusties off with a warm washcloth in salt water (read in online but not sure it really helped. but at this point, i was desperate with a capital D).

I looked like I went to a budget plastic surgeon for some lip injections. And what made is worse is that people told me it didn't look so bad!!!!! Someone even told me I looked HOT. TWISTED, seriously twisted.

Someone tells me to try my trusty hydro.... so I give it a try at home, thin layer of the H power and another thin layer of Aquaphor (my other BFF). Less than 24 hrs after that application, my lips are normal!

I'm wondering if there is some type of fund for hydrocortisone that I should be a part of. I owe my good looks to it (and Bella's!).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reusable Sandwich Bags.. and they're CUTE!

If you haven't heard of yet, go there now! It's kind of like a bunch of ebay stores full of handmade and vintage goods. There are tons of children's products made by other moms too.

Lately, Isabella asks for "kka kka" (crackers or snack in Korean baby lingo) or she'll see a lone cheerio and say "kka kka" as she reaches for it. We have the Snack Trap which looks cool and seems like a good idea (maybe better for when she's older?) because it has a flexible cutout top to grab your goodies. It's supposed to prevent from spilling them all but Isabella isn't very good at it still. She lifts open a flap and lets them all spill out.

So I resorted to using a sandwich bag for them and she seems to grasp this idea better (she's really into putting things into containers and bags right now). But today, I saw her bite the bag and eat some pieces! She also ate the top of a blue crayon this morning.

Good thing I just ordered these very cute bags. She won't be able to see what's inside since it's not transparent like a real sandwich bag but I'm sure she won't be able to eat it!

Green Street Bag's have really cute patterns and offer 2 different sizes for bags. The snack bag has a gusseted bottom. I ordered this print, as well as chocolate pear and yard retreat! She's super fast.. already shipped my order in less than 24 hrs! I can't wait to see them.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Help Wanted

So, as I look at, touch, try on, look at, touch, try on, look... at my new bag, I just can't make up my mind. So I decided to look at some more diaper bags! Remember, I originally wanted a black patent bag with short handles as well as a long strap to wear cross body. Well, then I found a really cute RED one! Still has short handles and a long strap. These even come with a changing pad, wipes holder, bottle holder, and stroller straps!

Black or Red?
None of the above??

Ok, WAIT!! I found the red in BLACK too now:

or how about this color? I must say, I do like the shape a lot... ok, for real, done.

Please vote!

Call me crazy and obsessed.. I just OD'ed on Craigslist too...

Ooohhhhhhh, an epiphany

So I just got my bag in the mail... woohoo!

And now I know why there was such a price difference.... not a HUGE difference in bag, but a difference nonetheless.

(Top) exhibit A: Mia Bossi bag from

(Bottom) exhibit B: Mia Boss bag from [the one I have in my possession]

So, if you notice, the dot print is different. The Gap version's dots are colored in while the Original's (from its own website, now referred to in my post as "original") dots are not! Oh, you so sneaky!! I didn't even notice, even as I "carefully" looked.

Also, you couldn't tell from the Gap site because of the picture, but its strap is not adjustable while the Original appears to be. Or, at least, that strap has some metal hardware on it and the Gap's doesn't. Not being able to adjust is not a big deal I guess because the strap is perfect for a cross body carry. But with the hardware (according to the Original's website), can allow you to loop it twice--hence, shortening the strap in half--and wear as a shoulder bag. That option might be cool though.

So, what do you think... what should I do?? I need some opinions please.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Diaper Bags!

I'm always on the lookout for a "cool" diaper bag that doesn't scream UGLY MOM. I have this thing about not allowing myself to buy UGLY MOM items. Sure, they're comfortable or practical... but, I just can't and don't want to be that ugly mom :( Shallow? Absolutely! But at least I'm not an ugly mom!

I've always coveted Mia Bossi Bags, especially the Reese style in Tangerine but just couldn't bear to drop that much dough. And like fate, the heavens opened and my internet browser found the same bag at for HALF THE PRICE!! I checked the dimensions and it seems like the exact same bag so of course, I ordered it in a heart beat. It's supposed to come in on Monday and I'll post about all its glory (or not) then!

I also saw this off of and love these bags by Timi & Leslie. If the Mia Bossi doesn't work out, I might opt for this. My only requirements for a diaper bag is that there's some sense of organization inside (because otherwise it becomes a black hole), at least one zippered pocket for my wallet/keys (things I can't lose... or, if I do Roe will KILL me), and the option to carry it across your body. They're easier to hang off your stroller and you can just throw it on and chase your little tot!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lovey, we love our Tokki Chingoo!

So we secretly keep 2 of these. One for the car and outside trips and one for home/crib use. Every now and then the two reunite in the house but it doesn't seem like Isabella has noticed... ;)

Many children like to have a blankie or a lovey to help them with separation anxiety. I actually started using this on purpose to help Isabella sleep on her own at night. And I even let her "choose" which lovey she would like around 3 months of age. You may argue a baby that little can't "choose".. but I'd like to think my Isabella did. I showed her a few different dolls/loveys of various color too and she reached out for this blue bunny. Coincidentally, blue (and green) have always been my favorite colors!

More so lately too, she's been very attached to her tokki chingoo (bunny friend in Korean). If it's in sight, she has to hold it and hug it. Isabella isn't a very affectionate baby so it's very cute to see her hug and kiss (or bite?) her little bunny. She even pats it on the back!

Who knows, maybe I'll regret it later when she's going to college with tokki chingoo but for now, I'll revel in this pure memory.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Watch what you say (and do!)

It's definitely started.. Isabella has started mimicking what we do.

Exhibit A: Trader Joe's

She LOVED pushing this cart around "shopping" for our groceries. She must notice I price check everything against similar products as well as check the nutritional facts on them all!

Exhibit B: Daddy
Currently we're vacationing in Oklahoma to see my parents (my hometown). We brought some big toys from home we got as gifts and Isabella must have noticed how Roe set up her baby pool. While playing, she noticed the hole you blow the air in, crouched down and started blowing at it! Is my baby a genius or WHAT?!!

Later, my mom is laying on the floor relaxing (on her belly) and Isabella comes by and sits on her back. Bounces a bit then turns to my mom as if she's say, 'bounce me, bounce me!'. Only a couple hours ago, her dad had bounced her.

Exhibit C: Gonggg, No No No No No
Isabella has really built up her vocabulary in the last 4 weeks. By her 1st birthday, she could only say "Hi" (at least, the only word that was audible and coherent). But now, she has more than a handful of words she can say. If you ask her, "where's your gong (ball)?", she'll start to look around.. you can ask her several questions like that and she'll look around for the object (or person). She doesn't point yet but she'll bring the objects back to you. She'll also say, "no no no no no" and shake her head (or finger!! haha) if she doesn't like something or doesn't want what you're giving her.

Exhibit D: Petting Zoo
Do not scream when the baby goat jumps out of its fenced area while holding Isabella. You will not only scare her for life of any moving animal bigger than her but also everyone else in the area. In addition, your friends and family will pretend they don't know you because they're so embarrassed by you! But seriously, I think I scarred her for life!! Either that, or she's just like me. I'm just not much of an animal person and never have been. She'll start climbing all over you while whining/screaming when animals are nearby (including big dogs). We also have a big dog at home (in OKC); she's been saying "no no no no no" a lot already. She also hates doctors and doctor visits... reminds me of my childhood. I used to bite dentists all the time!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mother's Helper

A mother's helper: usually an over-eager, baby-lovin' 10-12 yr old that you can pay $2/hr.

Me? Over the weekend, I had a lovely young lady I've known for the past 9 yrs, specially flown in from NYC, one of the most fashionably fabulous people I know (but she doesn't know she is that fabulous), caring helpers ever.

We miss you eemo!

Brace Yourself.. it's gonna be HOTT

A long awaited vacay is to be fulfilled this week in the most non-vacay place in my mind. But I am so very looking forward to it. My bro and I have planned a few activities for Isabella (but I think we're secretly just using her as an excuse to do things my parents would never have done before). For instance, we're renting a lakehouse and boat for 2 nights over the 4th. My parents never vacation, do not know how to vacation, don't ever go on vacations... so, we'll see what happens. My mom tried to shorten the trip in half but we ganged up on her: Ahrim, Andrew, Isabella--yup, she counts too, Roe--just by default vs Grandma Hwang. We win!

So, I've been on the lookout for the a bathing suit for some time now. I can't quite sport the string bikinis I used to have a love affair with but I don't want to just cover myself up in an ugly mom bathing suit to match ugly mom shoes. I've been pleasantly surprised! JCrew and GapBody have quite the selection and if there are stores near you, you'll find a ton on super duper sale (I saw some at Gap for less than $6!). There are a variety of sexy one-pieces that have strategic ruching, one-shouldered, bandeau one-pieces... and sporty tankinis and bottoms. This year, I've opted for an orange-red tankini and bottom set. Add a nice, wide brimmed floppy hat, comfortable flip flops like these, and a comfortable (non-fussy) coverup!

It's gonna be a HOTT week!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mommy Makeover

Whoever coined the phrase, "the joys of motherhood" had a sick sense of humor. Until recently did I realize they were just being sarcastic! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Isabella but motherhood isn't on my good side--yet. And whenever I have "those" moments, it just brings a smirk to my face; if only I could get my hands on whoever thought of that phrase, I'd give them a piece of my mind.

However, the irony of joy from being a mom shouldn't let one look beat down; nor should one give in and wear ugly-mom-shoes. Yes, they're comfortable but if they're ugly... just don't do it. And since we're all waiting to win the Lotto... in the meantime, I thought of some economically friendly mommy makeovers. Hopefully these will help make over all of our beings by bringing out the best in us (I like to think of myself as a whole. When a part of me is "sick," it affects all of me--physically, spiritually, emotionally. Thus, treating the entire body, mind, and soul makes the most sense to me.)

  • I believe inner beauty brought outward is THE best makeover. When you're genuinely happy and elated, your face is more radiant. After much agony of why I have been so miserable lately, it hit me that I was spiritually ailing. I was starved of spiritual sustenance because I had been just filling up on desserts, whip cream, light and fluffy appetizers.. frequently but not enough. The answer? Set aside time to talk with God--literally. Yes, prayer can be done in the car during your commute, while you shower, while your baby is screaming or throwing a tantrum but on top of those moments, you need solid time with God. Jesus started the day in prayer, in an isolated and dark place. Many times, I have a hard time falling (or staying) asleep. Now, I've decided to take that as a cue to pray and read the Word. It takes discipline and practice but almost anything in world does, so why should we not here?
  • So you're smiling ear to ear because God's given you a sense of peace that transcends all understanding [through prayer and petition, Phil 4:6-7]. If you yellow teeth from all the coffee you've been drinking, you need to use Crest WhiteStrips. Just a few minutes a day will make a huge difference!
  • Get a good haircut. This is one of the areas I don't believe in going cheap on. It doesn't mean you have to pay $70+ for a haircut but do keep going to the hair stylist that does a good job, even if you have to shell out 70 buckaroonies.
  • Good Suds. There are sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners available on a budget nowadays. The sulfate chemicals (basically detergent) found in most shampoos are harsh on hair and it strips your hair of its natural oils. I covet nice shampoos but I'm not quite convinced they are worth $30 for a month's worth. Loreal has a sulfate-free line that I've been enjoying. And by looking at my hair, I'd say it's doing a good job at protecting it and keeping it glossy.
  • Be pimple free; we're too old to look pubescent. I've talked about this before and I just have to reiterate the importance of skincare. More than the actual lotions/creams you use, wash with a gentle but effective cleanser and use moisturizer! Also take care of your skin by resting up and drinking lots of water. Those two things are free: cha ching!
  • Be comfortable in your own skin. Another "freebie" but this comes with age and wisdom it seems. For me, it's come post-Isabella. When you look like you're not trying too hard, I believe you're at your sexiest. That even applies to your actual clothing. I still like to wear heels but it just doesn't make sense to wear those on a daily basis when out and about with the stroller. I suggest finding some comfortable flats (the key is finding one with a flexible rubber sole!). And wear clothes you don't have to fuss around with: no tugging, fixing, or pulling. You look more ridiculous wearing that shirt, blouse, dress, pants than you think you do.
  • Have a laugh. Seriously. Be able to laugh at yourself and then LAUGH! Those feel good endorphins will be swimming all around and it's contagious so don't be surprised if your babe is giggling too!
And there you have it. My budget friendly makeover, voila! You are the fabulous self you know you are.


Isabella doesn't really know Dora through television yet. But Dora enamors us during each mealtime away from home. These disposable placemats are perfect for babies/toddlers whose mothers are germ-a-phobes in hiding.

No more wiping down the table with a baby wipe only to be disgusted at the caked on residue! These placemats stick to the table (and they are recyclable--some are biodegradable!) and you just peel them off when you're done!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reality Check

Since Isabella is taking more steps (she can fully walk unassisted but she's still very cautious and crawls a lot too), I wanted to buy her some shoes with a firmer sole that was still flexible. [AAP recommends babies stay barefoot or have a thin/flexible sole when they start walking] She's only been in Robeez; they have a thin barely there leather sole. But now she likes to walk outside so she needs something that can withstand a bit more of a beating and get dirty. Plus, I wanted to protect her feet a bit more with a thicker (but still flexible) sole to protect from pebbles, rocks, and God forbid anything sharp.

We walk into a children's shoe store and walk out with 2 pairs: a sandal/shoe hybrid and a water SOCK (like a water shoe but not) and $73 poorer. HUH?!!

Roe and I used to say we wanted 3-4 kids pre-Isabella... now, I think we need to win the Lotto.

[disclaimer: i didn't even know what a water shoe was until i was told her teacher that she needs them for splash days. i went all around town asking for "water shoes" and finally found them... but they're more like SOCKS with a rubber bottom]

Product Rave - Combi Mug

The Combi Mug has been really awesome to us. The handles are ergonomically formed for your little one and the straw is small and flexible. Isabella was nursed for a really long time and for whatever reason, she couldn't get the hang of other sippy or straw cups (especially the ones with valves--and if you try them yourself, they're kind of hard to drink from too!). It's around $13 (but you can buy it at BuyBuyBaby and use their 20% off coupon) and totally worth it. We have 2 and we carry one around everywhere we go!

[Combi, feel free to pay me for free advertising any time]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Virtue Lesson #29

Tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

And just to clarify, telling the truth does not equal being mean or blunt. Telling the truth is loving, in fact. Lying to prevent hurting someone's feelings is just your ego and pride talking. Don't do it. Because once the truth comes out, it'll slap you silly.

I try to talk to Isabella about important "lessons" in life. I know she can't completely understand but I hope that it'll sink in somehow. Today, I told her it's not nice to lie. God doesn't like it either. And since we love God, we try to do nice things to others.

And being a mom, you have to find good ways to channel your hurt and anger (even rage sometimes) and make it productive and a teaching tool for your children. I want Isabella to know that it's okay to feel those things (hurt, anger, frustration, sadness) but I also want her to know that she can't let those feelings take control over her, her life, her attitude, etc.

I'm trying, Isabella... really I am.


i don't have a title today because i'm just so tired.

when you get those "precious hours" aka, when your little one AND your hubby go to sleep, it's literally the best time of the day. i can do whatever i want and the day's over so you don't have to think about making any meals for anyone -- other than getting the hagen daz out of the freezer and a large spoon. these hours are so "precious" in fact that you almost lose control.. you just can't stop.

last night was one of those nights. though i only stayed up 2:15ish it's like i'm half zombie, half mombie.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Motherhood in the Raw #298742892

Lately, my meals consist of: string cheese, yoBaby yogurt, tofu slices, and bite sized peaches. It just so happens that Isabella's meals look just like mine!! More like, my meals look just like hers.

{I even use her little spoon sometimes.}

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Some 'Do Not Try This At Home' Moments

  • Do not wear a thong (the underwear, not the sandal) when wearing form fitting sweats in a light color, light cotton blend, high waisted, high water pants. They are just not flattering--especially if I can see cellulite through your pants. Wear real underwear for some support. But if you prefer the thongs, choose different attire.
  • Bending down while wear a thong (these things are just disasters waiting to happen!) in low rise pants/jeans so that I can SEE your thong.... not so flattering again too.
  • Do not eat Korean seaweed soup + fish then touch your hair. You won't smell so good all day or all week, Isabella.
  • Do not leave a half eaten strawberry in your bib. It will grow mold and smell funny the next time you use it. I recommend discarding all food items immediately; you can launder later.
  • Do not go down scary slides with your baby at places like Kiddie Klub if you are going to scream. You will only scare your baby AND everyone else there.
  • Also, not a good idea to scream during children's movies while at a theater filled with other children. No one appreciates it.
There are definitely more.. stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things that make me Happy

there's been a lot on my mind lately: what to make for lunch/dinner, how to make a healthy meal, how to live a healthy lifestyle, what makes me really happy, is this how life is supposed to be, am i happy or unhappy, what should i wear today, what should isabella wear today, what's the weather going to be like, should we go for a walk outside or take the car, do i have friends, where are my friends, where's God, how do i serve Him in a way that glorifies HIM and not me, i love to praise, i love music, why can't i just be a rockstar for God, i should be working right now, i waste too much time, i love to sleep, why do i feel so much pressure, why is success, what is love....

it's like brain vomit, i know.

but for sure, one thing that gives me belly laughs (you know, the kind that makes your belly ache it's so funny, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, hug your soul kind of thing) is my isabella rose.

why you so bootiful, bebe??

something else i really love: it gets me all rev'ed up, head spinning, heart racing, jump up out of your seat and move, shake a little here an' there, singing becomes synonymous with screaming, where you get a jump in your step, and it's like you're on a high for days is worship--in praise (singing) mode. there are so many different ways to worship and i believe that for everyone, a particular way irks us--in the best way possible. this past weekend, i had the PRIVILEGE to see Hillsong United in Toronto. it was just jaw-dropping. if i could do that for the rest of my life, i'd want to live forever. Hillsong, if you're hiring, **call me**

and another thing i just can't live without are good girlfriends. friends you go out of way for, friends that do the same, and both times it never feels like an inconvenience. after you part, you just keep replaying the conversations and you just smile; you thank God for putting them in your life. you travel near and far and as often as you can. you can trade clothes, secrets, and even a bed. i love u for being my friends.. thank u for being my friend.

lastly, REALLY good food makes me happy... can i get an "AMEN"?!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Clarify

A couple posts ago, I mentioned "more on that later"... but never spoke of them again. So, let me clarify a few points.

I found a pair of jeans that fit me perfectly--down to the length! If you're petite and short like I am, that's hard to find. I was, in fact, shrinking without knowing it. I gorged a bit on cookies and chocolate for a few days and now, my new 7 jeans, Lexie A Pockets (Lexie is their petite line) are the perfect casual, go-to jean. They're short enough to wear with flats and long enough to switch it up with a 2 or 3 in. heel. Best of all, I bought them on ebay with my Mother's Day money for super cheap! SCORE

Next, a few lessons learned about party planning:
  • You can save a lot of money on decorations or favors if you time your purchases correctly. I bought a bunch of decorations from the after-Easter sale on clearance at Target and Rite Aide. I also used Easter-y colors for my theme: pink and green. It was hard finding the same pastel pink and green elsewhere but I found other shades just a bit darker that looked good together
  • Sign up for coupons on JoAnn's and Michael's websites! Luckily, I had a friend who already had some and I signed up too. They regularly give out coupons for 20% off, 40% off one item, etc.
  • Scout before you shop! Be on the lookout, compare prices, and jot down your ideas as you see them. It'll prevent chaos the couple days before; though, I still had some chaos to remedy myself.
  • Also, buy items you know you can use later. I bought 2 rolls of colored butcher paper (pink and green of course!) for $25 each but I know we can use them later. They also make handy table covers (you can also buy vinyl ones but I liked the look paper more). I can imagine us using them again for future parties where Isabella and her friends can draw all over it as an activity.
  • Probably the most important piece I used for Isabella's party: capitalize on what you're good at, delegate the rest!! My awesome aunt flew in from Seattle and cooked up a storm with my mom, flown in from Oklahoma. We planned the menu prior to (make items--if you plan to cook--that are easy to make in bulk). Next, my very awesome and pregnant friend, Allison, helped me with decorations. She's a little crafty elf! I only had ideas but didn't know how to execute. Allison to the rescue!! Then, ME... I'm good at buying :) I bought all the necessary items and ran around town to pick up this and that; Roe helped me carry the heavy ones. He also made a few items at work (he runs a sheet fabrication company) for us to use at the party.
  • Find a way to entertain your guests. I wanted to ensure people had a good time--more than just an eat and run. For the kids, I loved our face painter!! She set her table up outside in our backyard = occupying the kids and giving them room to run around away from the lil' babies indoors. For the adults, I had them place "bets" and write Isabella blessings on her "tree". Just something to do while waiting around. As a bonus, we had some cute baby attendees to play with too ;)
  • Use decorations people can take home if they want: balloons are always an easy and good choice in my opinion. I rented a helium tank and bought 2 packages of balloons for really cheap. A lot of guests took them home, along with the pinwheels we had outside. Less cleanup for me!
  • If items purchased/hired don't go the way you wanted, speak up when you return them. You may be surprised and get a deal in return. Our helium tank was difficult to use so we got to use it for free. Our cotton candy machine ended up being a huge disappointment though the end-product was delicious: only paid half.
  • Lastly, return what you didn't use! I over-bought on decorations and because balloons were so easy to use as decorations, I needed less of the other stuff. I bought $80 worth of clearance items at Target, returned $65 of it! Keep ALL receipts.
  • And have fun. Enjoy yourself.... because if you don't, it's just not worth it. Go to Chuck E Cheese or Pump it Up instead if it's too much work and no play. Yes, it's exhausting to host a huge party like we did but I had fun; totally worth it in my opinion :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

My New Friends

Is it bad that I've gone through nearly 2 bottles of Benadryl and finished off a small bottle of Tylenol in one year? And it wasn't mine but Isabella's! I try not to drug her up as much as I can, use the humidifier or saline drops (completely safe to use, from Little Noses when they're really stuffed up and congested; they also have a decongestant drop but only to be used 2-3 days max), and give her plenty o' rest and fluids... but sometimes, you just need some extra help! Of course, only use after you've consulted with your doctor. But these two items have been a God-send! Isabella hasn't really been too sick her first year but teething and just weather changes = runny nose. Sometimes it's more like oozy nose; other times, it's like running water nose.

We've also gone through TUBES and TUBES of hydrocortisone cream (Costco's brand has 4 in a box for super cheap!). Isabella has mild eczema and just sensitive skin in general. We use that cream for everything--seriously. She gets rashy sometimes on her face from eating something: hydrocortisone. Mini hives: hydrocortisone. Eczema: of course, hydrocortizone! Itchy skin, bug bite: hydrocortisone. On top of that, I lather, and really, I mean DOUSE and LUBE her up at night with Aquaphor (again, found at Costco; a huge tub for so cheap). It's like a wrinkle cream for babies!! She wakes up with beautiful, soft skin--like the Gerber or Gap model baby. We go nearly nowhere without those two things in my diaper bag.

Lastly: thin cotton washcloths. Koreans are like geniuses. We just make the best things! It's semi-sheer and thin; good for almost anything. Runny nose? Korean washcloth. Forgot your bib? Korean washcloth. Bath? Korean washcloth. If only it could resolve the North Korea/South Korea conflict.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Absolute Mayhem... and lovin' it

That kind of sums of parenthood, doesn't it? *insert smirk*

It also sums up our whirlwind 2 weeks! First, I forgot to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day last week; my apologies. I was actually due on Mother's Day last year but Isabella came out a couple days later. So I counted this year as my first official Mother's Day and it was nice. Roe and I somehow woke up super early (rare for me that is) and ate breakfast together (fresh bread toasted + whipped cream cheese + strawberry preserves by bonne maman = my fave for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack). I totally didn't expect a gift this year (though Roe is always very good about gifts, I asked him not to get me anything and instead, I bought myself a Lacoste shirt dress) but he prepared something anyway: a wad o' cash!! Horrific to some maybe but for me, it was THE BEST GIFT EVER!!! It felt like a free pass to treat myself to whatever I wanted without any strings or guilt attached. I could pay for my massage or latte, buy myself some needed jeans (will comment more on those later), or whatever else I felt like without having to calculate my pennies.

And of course, our Isabella's 1st Birthday party was this past weekend too. It just melts my heart thinking about it. Hopefully our guests enjoyed themselves.. but really, I enjoyed it very much too. Sure, it was definitely mayhem in our house the day before and after.. but aren't the best parties like that anyway? Like the huge hangover you had in college after partyin' like no tomorrow; it wouldn't have been a hangover if you were walled up in your dorm room banging your head on the wall for not studying as much as you should have. I had to do a lot of running around to pick up things here and there but thinking about all of the small details for Isabella was fun--even if no one else would notice.

If you don't know me, I'm not much of a creative person or crafty by any means... but this party, I really stretched myself to TRY to be one. I did things I've never done before: mixed paints to form the right shade of green (to match the perfect shade of pink for our party), planned ahead and bought clearance Easter items--for their colors--to decorate the party, reserved a cotton candy machine, hired a face painter for the kids, brought home a helium tank, along with 2 huge rolls of colored butcher paper--imagine carrying that in Rochester downtown to your car! I may be biased but I have the say, the party was a huge success. I really owe my thanks to my mom and aunt, my head caterer. They really REALLY outdid themselves and I'm eternally grateful for their generosity. And so many other people helped us to make it all possible: MANY THANKS AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE (yes YOU!).

Along with having a GREAT time, I learned a lot about how to throw a huge party (approx. 140 guests in our home). There are a few things you have to consider before throwing such a large soiree and preparing the right amount of food, cake, decorations, and even placement are all a part of the equation. More on that later..

For now, let's just enjoy the aftermath.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This time last year, I was holding Isabella fresh out o' the womb. Now, a look back at the last 12 months and it's crazy amazing how God has allowed her to thrive and grow. Hallelujah for giving me a truly bootiful bebe!

And here we are now:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Black Tie

It's no secret that Roe and I (wait, I meant just ME) don't really get any outside help so date nights are pretty much ... nonexistent? But I get it. This is my new life and I need to reinvent myself... so I'm trying to think of who I want to be. 8)

Anyway, Roe and I got invited to an APACC event (Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce) the other night. Totally reminded me of those APA events in college. I even ran a workshop once or twice... and I almost ran up on stage to do body worship (GenAPA freshmen year)! The speaker was cool, talked about Transformation through Innovation. The crux of his messge: sometimes we are forced to transform our personal identities as a result of layoffs, name changes, family changes.... anything that forces us to rethink who we are and where are we going.

Well, with all of that, the best part of the night (the food delish and desserts galore) was just feeling pretty again. Roe glued on some fake eyelashes for me (impressive to say the least and I think he could qualify for a career change!), bought some bobby pins to pull my hair out of my face, wore a bridesmaid dress, and instantly.. I just felt pretty and like before (okay, almost. The unsteady walking in heels gave it away but it was pretty darn close.) my life was full of responsibilities [like the REAL kind].

Who knew $7 (eyelash glue + bobby pins from Walgreens) could do so much for my emotional well-being?

And just like Cinderella, everything went back to the way things were at midnight. [But I think I'll put on fake eyelashes during the week sometime too.]

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stay-cation instead of Vacation!

So I've been begging pleading Roe (my dear husband) for a vacation. Somewhere where we can relax, enjoy some sun (that requires serious SPF) and dresses, walk around and enjoy good food... you get the picture. But in this economy, you not only have to watch your pennies (and seriously, my mutual fund is becoming pennies after my financial advisor promised a few $100,000) but you also have to watch your back at work. You've got to make yourself indispensible and worth your stay. But fear not, you can totally make your Staycation BETTER than a vacation!

I mean, you get PAID to take vacation days... TAKE THEM, YOU WORKAHOLICS! You can plan a day around your town/city/state: go to museums, amusement parks, carnivals, attractions, etc. Eat out at every meal or make meals together at home. (note: only do this if it will NOT be stressful for you. if you have a husband like mine that likes to supervise in the kitchen, keep him busy with something else! I like to keep him busy at the grill while I prepare everything else in the kitchen.) Go out for coffee with your spouse or do date night during the evening while you get a house sitter--go out AFTER your little one goes to sleep! Do things you enjoyed before kids: for us, we loved grocery shopping or running errands together. But whatever it is, you just have to commit to no nagging and no stress. Lounge in a bikini on your deck if you have to or make some Sangria and wear sunglasses indoors--whatever it takes!

And the BIGGEST plus is that you don't have to pack/take a huge suit case JUST for Isabella, go through airport security huffing and puffing, carry a stroller and monstrous (and seriously, it's a $300 monster) carseat, rent a crib, clean that crib, go through sleepless nights, and worry about nap times.


On a side note: Isabella has officially taken steps without assitance since Tuesday. Only 2-4 currently but the look on her face is priceless! She looks so proud of herself and she'll speed crawl to you or fall in your lap with a huge look of toothy accomplishment.

Side note II: Isabella attends a private preschool near our house 2x/week. I went to pick her up today and was met with the cutest soon-to-be-big toddler sporting the same leggings I put on her this morning but with a tie-dyed onesie she made that said, "i love mom" and "happy mother's day!". Afterwards, I HAD to go to the grocery store (or anywhere public) just to show it off.

I'm officially a very proud mama.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

You know those days where your lids barely stay open and it's only... ahem, 10:30am. And going to Starbucks frequently just isn't wallet-friendly. Plus, in order to leave the house appropriately (not like you've come from the dead), it would take at least another 20-30 minutes + 20 minutes to get Isabella ready... all of that just doesn't seem practical for a cup o' latte that I can't even finish.

The perfect solution: bodum french press! It makes greeaaattttt coffee--as light or strong as you want. AND it doesn't produce that bitter taste. Coffee shouldn't taste bitter but pleasant.

I grind up a few spoonfuls of beans until it looks like sand (not pebbles), then put into the press and add boiling/hot-hot water. I let it sit for awhile push the "press" part down and voila! A perfect cup.

Add sugar and creme to taste.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nursery Decor

Ok, a real post:

Want to decorate your nursery with fun things on the wall but afraid to commit? I know how you feel. We painted Isabella's room (creme on top, stripes below the chair rail) but I couldn't get myself to do anything else fun to liven up her room until.....

I found these at Target! They're sticker decals that peel off when you're done with them and they're available in all sorts of fun shapes. Best of all, they're only $14.99. I've seen these online before but for more like $60+ but that just seems like highway robbery.

Now, I just need to add the small shelves and little frames to complete the "look". Well over a year in making... this is probably as creative as I get.

I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie...

**enter Big Booty dancers**

One of the best by-products of breastfeeding (besides the bonding with your baby, blah blah blah), is the effortless weight-loss! I could eat like a cow, more like EAT a whole cow, and I had no booty to show for it. But now that it's been a few months since we've weaned, my body is slowly coming back to its normal state. I don't mind though because I kind of missed the jiggle with each step.

So, this is just an announcement to let you know my booty is back and it's better than ever!

[ok, bad BAD experience just now... i tried to find a funny picture to insert from the web and all i got were HORRIBLE pornographic images. YUCK... i think i have throw up in my mouth now]

Friday, April 17, 2009

How the World is Unfair

While some women never look like they had a baby, others dorn their battle scars around the tummy. We have to wear badges of honor instead of bikinis and wear makeup to hide the uneven skin tone due to lack of sleep or stress. Our boobies... read my previous post, Raisins... while men, they grow them too but do so indulging on good food. And how come they don't care they have boobies?! Let me say it loud, MEN SHOULD NOT HAVE BOOBIES. Man up and get on that treadmill! We women, we run and jump, stretch and plie (the ballet term but I don't know how to add that little mark over the e), crunch and push to get that rockstar body society tells us we're supposed to have. We even smile to act like life is good and we love our children no matter how much they spit in our face and throw their food.

Back to men and boobies, why can't the ones that have some extra fat tissue in the breasts nurse their little ones? I mean, really, hasn't the inequality gone on for too long??! If you have 'em, you should put good use to them because your t-shirts aren't doin' you enough justice.

And True Religion jeans cost $300+?! Or, ANY jean for that matter? I thougth $100+ was pushin' it but apparently even $200 is quite normal these days. Add on to that, try finding one that fits you perfectly! Is it just me or are retail shops making clothes bigger and bigger but labeling them smaller and x-small? Am I just shrinking or are we inflating egoes? I feel like I'm a good size, definitely more than skin and bones yet I'm having trouble swimming out of x-small and size 24. We should just all grow up and own up to our size so that retailers don't have to conduct a false sense of "beautiful." Plus, skinny is not beautiful! Healthy is.

Mommy Guilt is another huge "how the world is unfair". I might be able to accept that this is just a part of being a partent ONLY IF men felt the same way too. You work and feel guilty for not spending time with your kids, raising them the "good ol' fashioned way". You don't work but then feel guilty for not contributing to the household income, especially when you are out with food on your shirt, sweat on your brow,unwashed hair in a ponytail while toting an equally messing looking infant/toddler buying groceries. Did you know baby good has gone up in price? So has most everything at your grocery store! So it's not fair to look at the credit card statement every month to see how much this non-contributor spends because really, we're buying diapers and sandpails (for our dream vacation we only hope to take), mushrooms and lasagna noodles, all so that MEN keep growin' their boobies.

Ok, so occassionally I buy a few shirts and jeans but if you don't want me to walk around naked, I need to. You see, I just had a baby and my body just didn't go back the way it was before. Somehow my shirts got shorter, my well-worn jeans sag where my butt used to be, and my sky high heels.... are no longer part of my vocabulary.

Then the stay at home mom screams for a break since her job is 24/7 but then is daycare or a nanny/help a viable option? First, you have to marry rich which is not that easy in this economy, not to mention it's frowned upon in our society. And you'll be judged for sending your nearly 1 year old to daycare... scratch that, let's call is preschool so it sounds better.. so that you can have the occasional latte without interruption, soak up some sun pretending you are childless and possibly husbandless, or to take a mindless midday nap. Meanwhile on other days, you are scrubbing toilets, dropping off shirts at the cleaners, picking up your alterations, buying more groceries from the several grocery stores where you know you get the best price on x and y. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I say daycare/preschool is the modern village. We are no longer lucky (or maybe we are) to live in a hut with all our aunts and uncles scavenging for food; no one else will watch your baby unless you pay them--be it love or cash, it's no refund no exchange.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Mommy Uniform

I swear there's this secret cult of mommies everywhere that make it look like they have it all together. [But it's not really a secret because they're easy to spot.] In my area, they wear the uniform. It usually consists of a Juicy tracksuit or some other type of exercise wear (but they do really exercise??) like yoga pants, a sleek sneaker like pumas--nothing bulky basically, a designer handbag, shades and/or a baseball cap (but not for an athletic team of course). A good number of them also sport nice jewelry--bigger the better and shinier is best. I secretly aspire to be a part of this cult.. I'm just waiting to be initiated.

My real topic though is the face and the "uniform" I choose to wear daily. I'm not a makeup pro by any means so I don't often takes risks or do anything edgy. Instead, I find what works for me and pretty much stick to it until I find something better. I'm sure any makeup artist will agree (or will they?)... since the skin is the canvas for your makeup, you need to take care of it first. Instead of investing in nice makeup, I'd invest in some solid skincare. As you can tell, I'm all about cult followings. I proudly use La Mer serum and cream for the face, Guerlain eye serum and La Prairie eye cream currently. [I'm on the lookout for something new though and welcome any suggestions.] Yes, a bit pricey in the beginning but really, these products last a long time and every now and then if you get so lucky, you can get a deal on them! [Saks has Friends and Family starting THIS Thursday, April 16, and cosmetics are 15% off. I'm headed there today to put some things on pre-sale! **that's how serious i am**]

For makeup, I have a pretty standard ritual: I mix a dollop of Neutrogena's Dry Touch Sunscreen, spf 70, Revlon's Skin Brightener (it's like an illuminator that I think is sadly discontinued), and Laura Mercier's Oil-Free Tinted Moisturizer. It applies pretty sheer but you can adjust the proportions to give the coverage you like. Next, I use Makeup Forever's eye concealer under my eyes and a little on top then set it all with Laura Mercier's Loose Mineral Powder. Blush is next and I use NARS Orgasm; and really, I've found it's in the technique of application and the tool you use that's really key. I used to brush it over my entire cheek and... not.a.good.look. You end up looking chubbier that way in my opinion. Just a dab on that round little circle near the highest point of your cheek looks best (is that called the apple??). I line my upper lid (right under your lashes) with Chanel's waterproof pencil [I'm also on the lookout for a cheaper version of this.] and finish it off with Too Faced's Lash Injection-Precision. I really like Fiberwig too though and am going to switch back once this tube is gone.

Overall, it creates an effortless look--not too done up or the *gasp* frumpy look. I also carry with me about 2 different lipglosses and use them when I remember. The above might sound intense but if you, like me, aspire to be in this cult.... well, no pain no gain is all I have to say.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My latest indulgence

Okay, yesterday was a bit dark... chocolate, no? Mucho sorries.

I have to admit I have a bit of a sweet tooth, thanks to Daddy Hwang. He downs pints of Haagen Daz in a sitting, 5+ popsicles in a matter of a couple hours.... it's serious, fo' real. I was strolling in Papa Joe's (my neighborhood grocery store that's a bit upscale?) and while I walked past the chicken schwarma, hummus, and pita chips, I saw heaven. It was like the sky split open and shed light on these four little squares trapped in a clear white box sceaming, EAT ME!

I took it home and with one bite, I couldn't resist bite after bite after bite. I have no idea how many calories are in one but I'm sure it's more than a meal. But I have no regrets. Heaven tasted divine. OH YEAH, IT'S CALLED BAKLAVA! ;)

And here's my little love bird:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Motherhood at its... worst?

I wonder what it takes to be a good mom... scratch that, a GREAT mom. Is it working hard to provide the extra things you wished you had when you were young or to send them to that great school? Is it being home to shower them with love, plan activities, and be their chauffeur? Or, maybe just praying on your knees to ask God to mold them to be His? OR, maybe you have to learn to balance all of those things and do what's *best* for you and your family. But seriously, how do you do that without facing judgement from everyone else around you?

Because there are moments when you know you're not a good mom. You do what you need to do to take care of your baby's physical needs but you wonder if you're tending to their emotional or spiritual needs. Sometimes, you don't have it in you to show any affection because you're too busy being overwhelmed. You put them down a bit early for their naps just so you can get some rest too... you might even let them stay in a crib a bit longer so you get an extra 5 minutes!

It gets worse because there's no way to really judge if you're doing a bad job that day or not. If you're blessed with a baby like mine, she smiles back anyway. She happily plays with her toys while you worry if she'll be in therapy 20 years later describing her childhood. She hums and sings to herself while she plays, dancing around while you look lifeless and just plain shitty. Though it seems like life kinda sucks, your babe... she is content and happy. You just constantly second-guess yourself and your decisions; everyone has an opinion on what you're doing--especially your parents and your husband.

How do those happy babies grow up to be so grumpy, frustrated, and unhappy? Gawd, I'd kill to be a great mom--the best mom--but right now, I'm just trying not to be the worst mom. I want my child to be full of life and joy, bright faced, enjoying all of her blessings. I want her to know God, accept Him as her Savior, live to her fullest and always do her best. Yet, how will she learn that if I struggle to be her example?

I wonder if this hodge podge of questions are what every mother wrestles through. Or if just the crappy ones do. Why do celebrities look like they have it all figured out? And the people on tv and magazines? Why do they always say they're so blessed to be doing what they're doing? I mean, they even have the right sunglasses and handbags, do they have to have the perfect family life too?!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Save the Date! May 16, 2009

I'm starting to plan Isabella's 1st Birthday (we're celebrating that weekend on 5/16). It should be pretty exciting. I'm feeling a bit zealous and want it to be kind of spectacular... I mean, what mama doesn't? ;)

I ordered her invites from Tiny Prints. We got our Christmas cards done there and I couldn't be more pleased. They usually have coupons floating around magazines and the internet. Right now, you can use "GINGERSNAP" for 10% orders that are $75+ (found in Cookie Magazine). The cards are nice and sturdy and I love their designs.

Next, I'm thinking about favors and decor. Should I go with a theme?

We have her outfit set: she'll be wearing a traditional Korean dress, the han bok. But we'll probably have to do an outfit change.

... back to planning ...

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So I feel kinda gangsta in my new ride...

And here's my little gangsta trying to rob a train.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ultimate Family Vehicle

For the past week or so, the hubby and I have been scrambling around for a new car. We both drive pretty old cars and at least one of them will give out within 2 years. Also, we wanted to replace the dear Benz S500 my husband tragically totaled awhile ago. So I apologize for being absent to my HUGE fan base (insert awkward HAHA). Really though, this blog is not to be anything more than it is.

So, we're on the quest for the ULTIMATE family car and there are a few things I just couldn't see myself doing without:

  • Captain seats. I love the space inbetween so that you can put things there or use it as a walkway to the third row. Plus, you can put a carseat on one of the captain chairs!
  • Third Row. For when we drive with the grandparents/uncle/aunties/other friends!
  • iPod hookup. Need I say more?
  • Storage. I store in my car: booster seat, shopping cart cover, baby carrier (Ergo), a couple toys, and Bugaboo stroller. I obviously need the storage and I don't expect it to dwindle anytime soon...
  • Navigation. I consider it a godsend! My favorite part though is that it tells you if you're going north/south/east/west. My older Hyundai has no such feature to my dismay
Mission almost accomplished

Friday, March 13, 2009


Playdates are a good way for babies and moms to socialize. When they're younger, they seem to be more for the mamas but that's "Ok!" in my opinion. Mamas need to get dressed, put a tad bit o' makeup on, and get some fresh air to feel as normal as we can so that we CAN be good mamas at home.

If you're in the SE Michigan area, the Beaumont Hospitals offer a really great parenting program. They group you with other parents and babies similar in age that meet either in the mornings (mostly stay-at-home mamas) or in the evenings (where I hear daddies come too). They even provide you with a group facilitator that will schedule speakers and events for you. I like that you not only get to ask your peers for advice but you get real professionals too. Even though our group officially ended, we still meet up and really enjoy it. We've become friends and so have our babies!

And call me crazy, it seems like our bootiful bebes really "learn" from each other too. They start doing things you've never seen them do while at home!

Here are a few guidelines to follow to have a successful playdate:
  • Find a time that works best for everyone, especially the babies. Don't schedule something during their routine naptime.
  • Outings shouldn't be day-long events. I'm sure every baby is different so use your discretion and do what's best for your babe. Isabella does best with a 2-3 hr maximum (coincidentally, the maximum amount of time she can stay up before turning into the Hulk!).
  • Sick babies and/or mamas need not spread their germs. No one likes a cranky baby--especially if it's your own! As much as you want to get out of the house, if your little one has the sniffles, you should stay home. [or, my secret trick is to go to the mall/grocery store/park instead for some fresh air]
  • Rotate meeting at each others' homes, parks, and public areas. It's nice to change things up and change the scenery. Today, a few of Isabella's friends are meeting up at Pottery Barn Kids for a Sing Along concert! [unfortunately, my sleeping beauty reached her 2 hr maximum. after her nap, we hope to join them]

If you have other "rules" you like to follow, share them!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm not referring the toddler-favorite snack... unfortunately, I'm talking about my milk-producing boobies. Yes'm, my deflated boobies.

Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your bootiful bebe. However, it's not as easy as just whippin' it out. For some lucky mamas, it is. For others, like me, it was a long journey where I wanted to give up many times. But I pressed on because other mamas that quit early, most will tell you they wish they had tried harder. Just try to get past the first 8 weeks and you're golden.

For one, it's the perfect milk and it's so much easier to nurse (and cheaper!) your little one than to buy bottles, clean them, sterilize them, boil/sterilize water, measure formula, mix formula, put together the bottle, and finally serve. Whew! All you need to nurse anywhere is a Bebe Au Lait nursing cover. At first, I was shy and would run to any private room I could find. But with a screaming baby in your arms and all eyes on you, you just learn to shed any embarassment (and really there shouldn't be any. plus, i used a nursing cover for goodness' sake!) for your baby. Maybe that's what motherhood is largely about: knowing when to put your baby before you.

Recently though, I had to learn to put myself first. And it's hard... really hard to say, "no, I can't do that anymore." Breastfeeding puts your body to work and burns lots of calories. And for me, it helped me lose ALL the weight and a bit more from my pregnancy. But I couldn't keep up with food intake to make enough milk yet keep my body at a healthy weight. [ You see, if you don't take in enough of the nutrients to produce what your babe needs, your body will take it from your own (yikes!!).] After getting a bad case of strep throat, I lost too much weight and started looking 'homeless person' skinny (definitely not sexy skinny). I decided then that it was too much for my body and for me to be the best mama, I had to be healthy.

Before you wean (IF before 1 yrs old), you want to try the bottle a few times to make sure your bebe is okay with it. You might have to experiment with several kinds before you find the *golden one* too. I started pumping 3x day and gradually took away a pumping session. Currently, my once-full boobies (and boy did I enjoy their once-full state) are starting to look more like... I need to invest in some new brassieres. A bit embarassing to tell the entire internet community but motherhood also develops in you the ability to laugh at yourself and not take anything too seriously.

Hmmm, raisins.. wanna share?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

do what you can do--no more, no less

My mantra this year.

I consider myself an earth mom wannabe. I'm nowhere near educated on carbon prints, co-ops to buy food, buying half a cow [seriously, I've never even heard about buying half a grass-fed cow until recently and I wouldn't even know where to begin to do that. And I thought co-ops were places where people lived!]...

But I do what I can to be eco-conscious (and budget conscious too!). I've picked up a few things here and there that I feel are easy for a new mom and surburbanite like me to do (and I hope the list only grows!):

*Buy organic produce for the "Dirty Dozen" (deemed the most 'worth it' of produce to buy organic):
-sweet bell peppers
-imported grapes

[at the same time, i have to note that if the above are not available in organic or it doesn't fit your budget, just buy the regular! it's far better to have them in your diet and in your home than not at all simply because it's not organic. plus, i believe in just doing what you can do--no more, no less]

*I also buy my dairy products mostly organic: 1% milk, soy milk & eggs (I find it's cheapest at Costco and their milk actually tastes GOOD. Horizon, for example, has a funny taste that most organic milks have due to ultra-pasteurization). Sure our parents and grandparents didn't have those offerings and we turned out fine but I have to say, we live in a different world now. It's scarier to me. And has anyone noticed that kids are BIGGER these days?? I dunno, in my crazy mind, I feel like it's the growth hormones our cows and strawberries are being fed.

*To save energy, I leave our heat on auto and leave the temp around 68-69 degrees. Instead, on cooler nights/days, I wear a scarf and/or puffy vest around the house. Isabella will wear fleece sleepers and I adjust what she wears underneath: short sleeved onesie, long sleeved onesie, short long sleeved onesie + pants, then plus socks.

*I'm not very good at recycling glass/bottles so I've bought reusable grocery bags that I try to remember to take with me!

*And what I enjoy most about being green is that on nice days, I walk to the grocery/drug store/Starbucks. I live in Suburbia but a very convenient one. [P.S. buy the best stroller you can afford and you'll never regret it!]

Okay... just a running list for now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

my bootiful bebe

Said in the voice of Pepe le Peu is what my Isabella hears every morning, after every nap, inbetween diaper changes & kisses, during meals, while I brush her hair... needless to say, probably too many times for any passerby to listen to. It's just something no mama or papi can resist, almost instinctual and a given right as a parent to think your baby is the most beautiful.

Here she is, my bootiful bebe: