While some women never look like they had a baby, others dorn their battle scars around the tummy. We have to wear badges of honor instead of bikinis and wear makeup to hide the uneven skin tone due to lack of sleep or stress. Our boobies... read my previous post, Raisins... while men, they grow them too but do so indulging on good food. And how come they don't care they have boobies?! Let me say it loud, MEN SHOULD NOT HAVE BOOBIES. Man up and get on that treadmill! We women, we run and jump, stretch and plie (the ballet term but I don't know how to add that little mark over the e), crunch and push to get that rockstar body society tells us we're supposed to have. We even smile to act like life is good and we love our children no matter how much they spit in our face and throw their food.
Back to men and boobies, why can't the ones that have some extra fat tissue in the breasts nurse their little ones? I mean, really, hasn't the inequality gone on for too long??! If you have 'em, you should put good use to them because your t-shirts aren't doin' you enough justice.
And True Religion jeans cost $300+?! Or, ANY jean for that matter? I thougth $100+ was pushin' it but apparently even $200 is quite normal these days. Add on to that, try finding one that fits you perfectly! Is it just me or are retail shops making clothes bigger and bigger but labeling them smaller and x-small? Am I just shrinking or are we inflating egoes? I feel like I'm a good size, definitely more than skin and bones yet I'm having trouble swimming out of x-small and size 24. We should just all grow up and own up to our size so that retailers don't have to conduct a false sense of "beautiful." Plus, skinny is not beautiful! Healthy is.
Mommy Guilt is another huge "how the world is unfair". I might be able to accept that this is just a part of being a partent ONLY IF men felt the same way too. You work and feel guilty for not spending time with your kids, raising them the "good ol' fashioned way". You don't work but then feel guilty for not contributing to the household income, especially when you are out with food on your shirt, sweat on your brow,unwashed hair in a ponytail while toting an equally messing looking infant/toddler buying groceries. Did you know baby good has gone up in price? So has most everything at your grocery store! So it's not fair to look at the credit card statement every month to see how much this non-contributor spends because really, we're buying diapers and sandpails (for our dream vacation we only hope to take), mushrooms and lasagna noodles, all so that MEN keep growin' their boobies.
Ok, so occassionally I buy a few shirts and jeans but if you don't want me to walk around naked, I need to. You see, I just had a baby and my body just didn't go back the way it was before. Somehow my shirts got shorter, my well-worn jeans sag where my butt used to be, and my sky high heels.... are no longer part of my vocabulary.
Then the stay at home mom screams for a break since her job is 24/7 but then is daycare or a nanny/help a viable option? First, you have to marry rich which is not that easy in this economy, not to mention it's frowned upon in our society. And you'll be judged for sending your nearly 1 year old to daycare... scratch that, let's call is preschool so it sounds better.. so that you can have the occasional latte without interruption, soak up some sun pretending you are childless and possibly husbandless, or to take a mindless midday nap. Meanwhile on other days, you are scrubbing toilets, dropping off shirts at the cleaners, picking up your alterations, buying more groceries from the several grocery stores where you know you get the best price on x and y. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I say daycare/preschool is the modern village. We are no longer lucky (or maybe we are) to live in a hut with all our aunts and uncles scavenging for food; no one else will watch your baby unless you pay them--be it love or cash, it's no refund no exchange.