being a new mom, a new stay-at-home person, semi-newly wed + all of the things i used to be and aspired to be (you know, the hot self that i thought i was), my world is just shook up.
what used to be frivolous weekends in cute shift dresses and flats walking around with my handsome husband in tow has turned into catching up with sleep while hubby takes baby duty, errand running, schedule planning, comfortable shoe wearing, borderline frumpy looking "doing the best i can" yet failing miserably logo on my forehead me.
i don't have a live-in nanny (nor a nearby nanny.. really, no nanny, no help nowhere), live a good 2.5 hour plane-ride away from "home," many close friends faraway, more close friends childless... need i go on?
people tell me, "you're not alone." but then seriously, WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?! i've been lucky to meet a handful but really, WHERE ARE THE OTHERS??!!
so, i've had to resort to the internet and books to find out all i can about baby raisin' and child rearin', to be the best parent/mom that i can. i read all of the pregnancy books i could get my hands on, researched each piece of baby gear we own, read about 7 books just on sleep training, more books on baby care (just to make sure i keep my baby alive), and just to humor myself, i come here to share how i'm just "doing what i can--no more no less".
our identities are constantly changing and growing as our lives are. so you other new (fill-in-the-blank), HERE I AM!!! **waving my hands, jumping up and down**
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