Anyway, Roe and I got invited to an APACC event (Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce) the other night. Totally reminded me of those APA events in college. I even ran a workshop once or twice... and I almost ran up on stage to do body worship (GenAPA freshmen year)! The speaker was cool, talked about Transformation through Innovation. The crux of his messge: sometimes we are forced to transform our personal identities as a result of layoffs, name changes, family changes.... anything that forces us to rethink who we are and where are we going.
Well, with all of that, the best part of the night (the food delish and desserts galore) was just feeling pretty again. Roe glued on some fake eyelashes for me (impressive to say the least and I think he could qualify for a career change!), bought some bobby pins to pull my hair out of my face, wore a bridesmaid dress, and instantly.. I just felt pretty and like before (okay, almost. The unsteady walking in heels gave it away but it was pretty darn close.) my life was full of responsibilities [like the REAL kind].
Who knew $7 (eyelash glue + bobby pins from Walgreens) could do so much for my emotional well-being?

And just like Cinderella, everything went back to the way things were at midnight. [But I think I'll put on fake eyelashes during the week sometime too.]
Where's the full body shot?? Looking good, mama:)
Nice! I'm glad you got to get out. But where's your smile in the picture? I'm of the opinion that pretty much anyone looks better when they smile.