Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Virtue Lesson #29

Tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

And just to clarify, telling the truth does not equal being mean or blunt. Telling the truth is loving, in fact. Lying to prevent hurting someone's feelings is just your ego and pride talking. Don't do it. Because once the truth comes out, it'll slap you silly.

I try to talk to Isabella about important "lessons" in life. I know she can't completely understand but I hope that it'll sink in somehow. Today, I told her it's not nice to lie. God doesn't like it either. And since we love God, we try to do nice things to others.

And being a mom, you have to find good ways to channel your hurt and anger (even rage sometimes) and make it productive and a teaching tool for your children. I want Isabella to know that it's okay to feel those things (hurt, anger, frustration, sadness) but I also want her to know that she can't let those feelings take control over her, her life, her attitude, etc.

I'm trying, Isabella... really I am.

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