Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reality Check

Since Isabella is taking more steps (she can fully walk unassisted but she's still very cautious and crawls a lot too), I wanted to buy her some shoes with a firmer sole that was still flexible. [AAP recommends babies stay barefoot or have a thin/flexible sole when they start walking] She's only been in Robeez; they have a thin barely there leather sole. But now she likes to walk outside so she needs something that can withstand a bit more of a beating and get dirty. Plus, I wanted to protect her feet a bit more with a thicker (but still flexible) sole to protect from pebbles, rocks, and God forbid anything sharp.

We walk into a children's shoe store and walk out with 2 pairs: a sandal/shoe hybrid and a water SOCK (like a water shoe but not) and $73 poorer. HUH?!!

Roe and I used to say we wanted 3-4 kids pre-Isabella... now, I think we need to win the Lotto.

[disclaimer: i didn't even know what a water shoe was until i was told her teacher that she needs them for splash days. i went all around town asking for "water shoes" and finally found them... but they're more like SOCKS with a rubber bottom]

1 comment:

  1. ack! i can't remember the last time i spent that much on MY shoes..babies are serious money suckers :) .... but so cute so i guess worth it!
