Thursday, April 9, 2009

My latest indulgence

Okay, yesterday was a bit dark... chocolate, no? Mucho sorries.

I have to admit I have a bit of a sweet tooth, thanks to Daddy Hwang. He downs pints of Haagen Daz in a sitting, 5+ popsicles in a matter of a couple hours.... it's serious, fo' real. I was strolling in Papa Joe's (my neighborhood grocery store that's a bit upscale?) and while I walked past the chicken schwarma, hummus, and pita chips, I saw heaven. It was like the sky split open and shed light on these four little squares trapped in a clear white box sceaming, EAT ME!

I took it home and with one bite, I couldn't resist bite after bite after bite. I have no idea how many calories are in one but I'm sure it's more than a meal. But I have no regrets. Heaven tasted divine. OH YEAH, IT'S CALLED BAKLAVA! ;)

And here's my little love bird:

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