there's been a lot on my mind lately: what to make for lunch/dinner, how to make a healthy meal, how to live a healthy lifestyle, what makes me really happy, is this how life is supposed to be, am i happy or unhappy, what should i wear today, what should isabella wear today, what's the weather going to be like, should we go for a walk outside or take the car, do i have friends, where are my friends, where's God, how do i serve Him in a way that glorifies HIM and not me, i love to praise, i love music, why can't i just be a rockstar for God, i should be working right now, i waste too much time, i love to sleep, why do i feel so much pressure, why is success, what is love....
it's like brain vomit, i know.
but for sure, one thing that gives me belly laughs (you know, the kind that makes your belly ache it's so funny, heart-wrenching, heart-warming, hug your soul kind of thing) is my isabella rose.

why you so bootiful, bebe??
something else i really love: it gets me all rev'ed up, head spinning, heart racing, jump up out of your seat and move, shake a little here an' there, singing becomes synonymous with screaming, where you get a jump in your step, and it's like you're on a high for days is worship--in praise (singing) mode. there are so many different ways to worship and i believe that for everyone, a particular way irks us--in the best way possible. this past weekend, i had the PRIVILEGE to see Hillsong United in Toronto. it was just jaw-dropping. if i could do that for the rest of my life, i'd want to live forever. Hillsong, if you're hiring, **call me**
and another thing i just can't live without are good girlfriends. friends you go out of way for, friends that do the same, and both times it never feels like an inconvenience. after you part, you just keep replaying the conversations and you just smile; you thank God for putting them in your life. you travel near and far and as often as you can. you can trade clothes, secrets, and even a bed. i love u for being my friends.. thank u for being my friend.
lastly, REALLY good food makes me happy... can i get an "AMEN"?!!