Friday, September 18, 2009

A Mom's Debate


watching Little Miss Sunshine, while eating Dried Baby Sweet Pineapple from Trader Joe's, looking at pictures for inspiration on how to wear my new shoe:

ETA: okay, not the most comfortable shoe in the closet but definitely one of my "funnest". so today, i bought shoe inserts and walked around for a bit. as they say, no pain no gain!

Let me introduce you to another friend of mine...

Call me lucky but it seems I've been making great friends recently. Being a mom, it almost seems easier to strike up conversation with strangers. People will comment about your tot and you can banter back. The other day at Target, I asked a random mom (obvious because she had 2 children following her shopping cart around) which dishwash detergent was best. I took her advice too and am glad I did! [Cascade Complete Liquid, btw]

My newest BFF is none other than...

I didn't know I married a rhinoceros when I did 3.5 years ago. But since our mini-vacay to Kalahari (indoor/outdoor waterpark, great fun, sandusky, ohio), they've allowed some peace and quiet in our bedroom. YAY!

If you or your bed-mate sounds like a dinosaur, horse, or any other animal mankind is not meant to sleep next to, I'd recommend this. Two thumbs up!