I have an obsession with cups. Unfortunately, Roe and I have broken much of our cups so we've started drinking out of empty jam jars (courtesy of Bonne Maman).
Isabella has more than enough cups that we can keep a track of too, in my quest of finding the best straw cup. We love love our Combi but it has so many parts to clean. It's great for on-the-go but I wanted something more simple for home. I love the take-home kiddie cups at restaurants so I decided to try the Take n' Toss straw cups.
Verdict: They're great for home use!! The lid securely keeps the straw in place and doesn't allow leakage from around the straw (though, if you tip it over completely water will come out of the straw). Isabella "accidentally" knocked it off the table and it fell on its side but no leakage! The straw is much harder than regular straws but it seems to work for us. And since there's no vent like most kiddie cups, it works just like adult cup/straw combos.
In conjunction, we tried out our new spoons (okay, obsessed about spoons too). Since we have a lot of rice and soup in our diet, it's hard to find a kiddie spoon that can hold a good amount of the soup part. Gerber's Scoopin Spoons are perfect for that! They have flexible ends so you can scrape the bottom of the bowl to get every last bit. Plus, the spoon itself has a big scooper... almost like a mini mini ice cream scooper.
Verdict: Success!