Monday, March 22, 2010

Nothing Smart To Say...

Since becoming a mom, I really and genuinely feel my IQ lowering exponentially. Maybe I thought too highly of myself before. I always did well in school and worked hard at whatever I did. I graduated from University consistently ranked in the Top 25 (in the U.S.) and double majored--not a huge smarty pants but smart enough, I thought.

Then I had a baby and I have trouble doing simple math! I'm always fumbling to do some quick math when I see a sign, 30% off! 40% off, 45% if you use your Gap card!! "Should I use the Gap credit card? Is it worth the extra 5% or should I use my AMEX since I get 2% back at the end of the year? Wait... how much is 5%? 2%??"

And that's what happened to my blog.... I felt like I just didn't have anything smart or worthy to say. But I have to say the greatest lesson I've learned as a new mom is GRACE. I've seen my inability to show grace but the absolute need FOR it. We're all doing the best we can and we all have our bad days. Pre-mommyhood, I made quick mental notes of what NOT to do when I became a mom. But I've learned, there's only so much that you can control. Mostly, you can only control yourself--that includes, your actions, your thoughts, your attitude, and your behavior.

I not only need to give grace to others but mostly to myself... even if I have nothing smart to say.